Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Last Tour😢

The Sorrento Peninsula is known for it's perfect growing climate. So we decided to take a tour of a fourth generation family owned farm.  It was one of the best experiences of our trip and our last tour.


The oldest son gave us a tour of the farm where they grow lemons, kiwi, olive trees, tomatoes, chestnut trees, herbs, and grape vines. They have ducks, turkeys, goats, pigs, cows and chickens.  They use every inch of the property they have and nothing goes to waste.  They use waste products to feed their pigs, they grow chestnut trees for the lumber to build shelter for the crops, they make their own wine, olive oil and meat products. They have done this since 1898. The farm is in a village of 600 people (most of them related). 

It was so interesting to see how they grow lemons from sour orange seed and grafted their citrus cuttings onto the young orange trees.  Their lemon trees bloom four times a year and it takes a year for the lemons to reach maturity.

They cure their own meats and make their own wine on site. This is their cellar with hanging, aging meat products and wine bottles ready to store and age their local wine.

The family all works on the farm. Now they have added agra- tourism and run tours through the farm and feed their visitors lunch and/ or dinner.

We met this doctor and his wife on the tour and we had lunch together at the farm.  This lunch was a four course meal prepared by "mamma", the matriarch of the family.  We had bread and olive oil, lemonade, bruschetta with tomatoes, meats and cheese, pasta, some kind of fried dough balls, and dessert along with wine with every course.  Of course, we had their limoncello at the end.
We tasted their olive oils infused with lemon and orange. Fabulous! They made us lemonade with their homegrown lemons. They welcomed us into their home and their farm.  We will never forget this experience or this farm.

Although most of their products are sold locally and for family use, they also sell online and ship anywhere. 
The farm selfie. Thanks for following us through our Europe adventure.  Our next stop is Amsterdam and then home to Bonaire.


  1. Thank you for sharing Your trip. The photos and narrative are great.

  2. YUM!!!!! What a cool farm to visit and I'm still drooling about all the fresh things they grow.
    Great photos to show an amazing trip you took.
    Another awesome photo of you two!!


Shipping Furniture

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