Saturday, November 19, 2022

Sinterklaas Arrives

Sinterklaas and his helpers arrived on Bonaire today.  The fable of Sinterklaas says that he arrives by sea from Spain.  The "saint" as he is called, stays on Bonaire until December 5 and then returns to Spain.

He look like a bishop from the Catholic church dressed in robes, lace and a red pointed head piece.  He also has white face make-up.  He moved through the crowd like the Pope...slowly waving and carrying his staff. It was a sight! 
Sinterklaas arrives on a tugboat that parks at the pier.  There is also an "armada" of small boats carrying admirers and the Zwart Pietens (translated: Black Petes), which are his helpers (like elves). Sinterklaas is met by the Lt. Governor of the Island, a marching band and 50 of the Zwart Pietens. Plus there are hundreds of parents, children and onlookers that witness this event with cheers and waves. This is a much anticipated event for the inhabitants of Bonaire. 

Rick and I got up at 7:00 am to get parking and a good viewing location. Sinterklass didn't show until 9:00 ish.

There has been much controversy about the Zwart (Dutch word for black) Pietens. However, the Bonarian culture and customs don't seem bothered by black men painting their faces blacker and serving as helpers to Sinterklass who is played by a black man with a painted white face. What we witnessed were happy people dressed up to celebrate a time honored Christmas tradition.  The children also dress like Pietens for this occasion and are thrilled to see the arrival and pageantry of the day Sinterklaas comes to Bonaire.

The Pietens dance, yell and blow whistles as they arrive on boats.  They are colorfully dressed and have a wonderful time as they help kick-off the Christmas season.

To top off the morning a full rainbow covered the sky.


  1. Glad you made it down there to see this! They are driving all over the island and the kids are in bikes following the trucks! Only on Bonaire…fun to see! 🎄

  2. Wow, 7:00 a.m.! It is a really different slant on Christmas, huh? But the rainbow was sure beautiful. Sorry that your chattty appliances are ganging up on you.

  3. How cool about Sinterklaas. I've never heard of him and I agree he does look like a Catholic bishop. Glad you got to see him.


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