Sunday, February 19, 2023


For the first time in two years, *Karnaval is back!  Parades, beauty queens, drinking, dancing and partying in the streets.  It marks the fun time before Lent. It's been going on for two weeks and will end on "Fat Tuesday" before Ash Wednesday. 

Today, we went to the grand parade.  They close the roads from one end of the island into Kralendijk.  People line the streets for about 2 miles.  The parade takes about 4 hours to get to Playa ( downtown) because they are drinking, dancing, and talking to all their friends.  

Families set up awnings along the parade route 3-4 days before the parade.  They have a viewing stand, vendors selling drinks and treats, and even private privies  But the big show is the costumes. The women are wearing three inch heels, everyone is covered in feathers and sequins, and the skin is covered in glitter. Young and old wear Karnaval costumes complete with head dresses of tropical birds, capes, clown outfits, with see through material.  

A huge truck covered with large speakers is in between each dance group. A DJ is selecting music that blares into the crowd. We think its local music but we are unsure of the genre.  It's loud and danceable which is all that is needed for a good time on the streets of Kralendijk

The burning of King Momo on Tuesday at midnight signifies the end of Karnaval season on the island.  It is a way to literally burn up all the crazy fun and excess of Karnaval before they have to behave during Lent.  This event occurs in the stadium in the middle of town.

King Momo (Rei Momo in Portuguese which is also used in Papiamentu- the island's local language) is considered the lead in Karnaval
festivities. So they burn him in effigy at the end of all the fun.

**Karnaval is the spelling in Papiamentu for carnival

1 comment:

  1. It looks like your Karnaval is as good as New Orleans (I've never been there but I guess at least yours is g-rated :-))
    It looks like it would be fun and very colorful!!


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