Monday, February 20, 2023

Men, Ladders, Trees

Rick is notorious for using a ladder to trim palm trees.  As you may recall, we hate Royal Palm trees because they bloom incessantly and drop blooms, seeds and junk in the pool and all over the yard.  Which makes us both crazy.

We have taken out three trees last year and recently took another two down.  This in order to keep Rick out of trees and off the ladder.

Our gardener Jose, who stands about 4-1/2 feet tall, came with a roll off and a manlift to take down two trees.  They had to park the manlift on the road outside our house and extend the arm over the cabana to reach the two offending palms.  They made fast work of the job and had them down in 4 hours.  Our neighbor called them over to take one of his down as well.  We all have trees that are too tall to trim.  Most landscapers and gardeners will not trim the tall ones.  I certainly don't want Rick on a ladder.

Now we get to shop for new trees....ones that are easily trimmed and maintained.  We are trying to get the house to a point that it is less labor intensive and gives us more time to do nothing. 

We noticed that it is much quieter at our house with less palm trees.  The trade winds blow through the palms and apparently make a lot of noise. The street light, which used to be obscured by the palm trees, now reflects off the patio and into our bedroom. Now we are getting black out curtains.   


  1. That's the problem with most trees. They're beautiful to look at and they give nice shade and privacy, but when they drop their leaves or any other part of the tree it usually makes a mess of everything. Your trees looked nice so it's too bad you had to take them down. Always better to hire a professional to do that (at least that's what I think)

  2. Is there a difference between boy palm trees and girl palm trees? My boss said her old neighborhood had all trees of one gender, and hers was the other, and every year it was so terribly obvious because her tree gender was the more obnoxious of the two..

  3. Like, can you imagine having the only cottonwood tree on the block making it snow??! 🫣🫣😱 🤟


Shipping Furniture

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