Wednesday, August 16, 2023


It's hot. It is always hot in August, September and October. The trade winds stop, the sky is hazy and leaves fall from the trees.  The pool, heated by the sun, is almost 90 degrees by noon so it's not much fun to hang out  in the pool.

We spend our mornings getting our chores done and then retreat to the air-co.  Those blog followers from Arizona can fully relate to this pattern. Those in Colorado can relate to being trapped inside during snow storms. We love Bonaire but September is our month to leave the island.

We are heading back to Colorado (this is a picture of our Colorado pool) to sell our house and liquidate our belongings.  When we moved to Bonaire, we were not sure this island thing was going to work out.  Our plan B would have been to return to Colorado.  Plan A has been a success and Bonaire is now our home.
We hope Colorado will be cooler but not snowing!


1 comment:

  1. The reason I like heading to Alaska during the summer is due to the heat here in Colorado.We seem to be getting more 90+ degree days which I don't like. This week the weather is going to be in the low to high 80's for the next week, with no rain. I want it to cool down!!!
    I'm confused. Are you saying you're going to move back to Colorado? You've seemed to enjoy Bonaire so much that surprises me. Do you still own your old house or I thought you did sell it when you left? Please keep me updated


Shipping Furniture

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