Sunday, October 1, 2023

Leaving Denver

We spent the last month in Denver. Our goal was to liquidate our stuff and put our house on the market. 

We held an Estate Sale for three days. We were able to sell two storage units full of our furniture and households items. Family and friends all rallied at the sale to help price, wheel-and-deal and of course visit with us.

It was a pleasure to see the Flat Irons (mountains near Boulder). We loved the bright blue skies and all the green trees and grass.  The sunsets over the mountains were spectacular. Certainly, these are  things we miss in Bonaire.

We spent most of our time readying our Arvada house for sale. It was a a full time job managing and scheduling handymen, repair services, landscapers, painters and cleaners.  We had rented the house for almost three years and it needed a lot of work. It is now on the market waiting for the next owners to love it as we have.

It was a blast visiting friends and family while in Denver. We celebrated our grandson's 14th birthday and got to see him play tennis on his high school team.

Of course this blog would not be complete without a selfie....this one includes one of our grandsons.


1 comment:

  1. It was sure good to see you guys and spend a little time together. Glad you are home safe and sound now. Hugs!


Shipping Furniture

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