Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Lights Out


The lights went out last night....actually there was a blackout throughout the island.  It's been so hot that  everyone was running air conditioners and it must have overloaded the system. We ended up without power for about three hours.

With each power outage we get better prepared.  This time we had a battery operated fan, oil lamps, and charged battery backup. We already had flashlights, head lamps, and candles.

It was so still and hot during the blackout.  There was no breeze and what little breeze we had was not coming through the patio.  We moved operations out to the pool area.  We needed to get our minds off of being hot and having no power.  I was dreading sleeping if we didn't have air conditioning.

You have to make your own good times when you are faced with a dark, hot night.  We played several hands of Gin by the light of Rick's head lamp and background light from the oil lamps. I stripped down to my underwear (I sparred you from a photo of that!) and we covered ourselves with bug spray to keep the mosquitos away.

I had won several hands by the time the lights came back on and Rick was relieved that he didn't have to play another hand.

Monday, October 30, 2023


Bonaire has built a cultural and art center.  It is a beautiful structure with an open courtyard, gallery rooms, and a roof top restaurant. We attended a Music at Sunset event  at the center put on by the Classical Music Board.

Two of our friends have brought the cultural center alive with events featuring musicians with extradentary talents.  

Brad, the opera singer, recently retired as a music professor at Emory University in Atlanta. His career included solo recitals in opera.  He now teaches piano and voice on the island. And, by the way, he is our opera star. 

Alan is a saxophonist, registered nurse, health information technology executive, seamstress, dive master and all around great guy.

Together with the pianist, they put on a spectacular show.

It's not just sun, sand and surf on Bonaire. We now have culture. 


Sunset /Moonrise happens about once a month.  Since Bonaire is so flat and small it is easy to catch both events.  These particular events happened at 6:07 pm and 6:08 pm this week. Several of us gathered on the beach. It was the usual party...everyone brought their own chairs, drinks and a snack to share.   

We certainly pay more attention to the weather and the celestial skies than we did in the US. Don't know if that is because we have more time or because of the geography.  Either way we are constantly reminded of how lucky we are to live on this island.

It took a while for the moon to pop out from the clouds. When it did, it lit up the whole beach. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023


We went through our belongings and sold most of them at the estate sale.  However, there were a few items we thought we would ship to Bonaire. It cost us more to ship the items than they were worth.  We sent four boxes by UPS to Miami for the boat to Bonaire.  As you can see they had a rough trip. Thankfully everything got here in one piece. 

I paired down my US Christmas decorations collection...which was sizable and extensive. These two stocking holders made the cut along with "beachy" type ornaments. These will now be part of the Bonaire Christmas collection. 


I also shipped a box of Hatch's green chiles from Costco. Now I will have a supply to try and make some dishes that are Mexican inspired.

I had never thought of shipping food to Bonaire.  We try and live with what is on the island. This is a specialty item that just doesn't exist on Bonaire.

We shipped a metal art piece.  This piece, which was not worth the shipping and import tax, is now hanging up.  It literally cost us ten times what we paid for it to get it from Denver to Bonaire. Sometimes you just do stuff that only makes sense after a month of craziness caused by getting the house ready for sale. It made sense when we were packaging it up for shipping.  Oh well, it filled an empty space.

Friday, October 20, 2023


We have four season on Bonaire. but they don't match North American seasons.  Our Hot Season is August, September and October.  Rainy Season starts October 1 (whether it rains or not). Hurricane Season is June through November.  December to July is our Perfect Season

This is "Fall" or hot season on Bonaire . Our mango tree drops leaves and grows new ones. After three months of blasting heat the tree begins to bloom.  This time of year we spend most of our time in the air-co while not raking leaves.

After hurricane season, the cruise ships come back to the island.  We are only supposed to have one ship a day, but today we saw two in port. This signals the time where we avoid going into town during the day until the ships leave. 

On cruise ship days the island is littered with slow moving golf carts, throngs of people on the sidewalks and roads and lots of sunburned people on the beaches.

The best season on Bonaire is November through July.  The weather is perfect. Trees and flowers are blooming. We can enjoy being outside all the time.  Its paradise.

It's a great time to visit. Come see us in paradise.


Saturday, October 14, 2023


We and several our friends attended a sushi making class.  The chef of the best sushi restaurant in town hosted the class on his day off.  We got to learn from the best in making sushi ( Tuna and Salmon) and sushi rolls.

Miguel gave us his secrets to creating sticky rice (it has to do with sugar and vinegar). His instructions on layering the rice on the nigiri and rolling the roll was perfect. We each watched his demonstration and then we completed our sushi rolls. 

I would have taken more photos but the drinks were plentiful and even included Saki....so, well, you know....

I did manage to get a clear photo of Rick and his masterpiece.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


Every October Bonaire holds a Regatta (except of course, for COVID). People and boats come from CuraƧao and participate with Bonaire sailors in races. It a two week event that has parades, music, parties in the streets and of course boat and water craft races. The banks close early and restaurants have special regatta menus.  The street along the waterfront closes for spectators and bleachers and sunshades are erected. It's a big deal on the island.

Boats of all sizes participate from radio controlled boats, to mini bathtub-size boats, to Sunfish, to 35-50 foot sail boats. We packed up our chairs and cooler and headed out the watch the races.  We realized that we know nothing about Regattas.  Boats are going every direction, horns a blowing at irregular intervals, green flags go up and down, there are buoys placed around the harbor and we can see no rhyme or reason to it. We enjoyed it anyway.  Any time we get a chance to sit by the sea its a good day.

This is a photo from the local newspaper. All the Sunfish boats have sails with the Bonairian flag. How they got all lined up is a mystery.


I have discovered Dutch candy that is similar to candy I liked in the States. I know, I know I shouldn't eat candy but I do.

I really love peach rings that I got in the States.  I haven't found them on the island but I recently discovered cherry flavored jelly candy at the grocery store.  They are made in cute cherry doubles with stems. The flavor is great...very tart cherry dusted in sugar. 

I always loved heart shaped candy that was sold on Valentines Day.  You know, the chalky hearts that say silly things on them.  I found a replacement in October on Bonaire.  Vruchen Hartjes is translated to: fruit (flavored) hearts.  I am always amazed when I can find similar products of the things I like on the island.


However, the sweet words on the hearts are in Dutch...I had to translate them:

Prima: fine, magnificent
Zoen : kiss
Fijn: fine, nice, beautiful
Engel: angel
NEE:  no
Leuk: nice, jolly
Snoes: sweetie
Pret: fun

Our favorite sushi place gives out Colombian caramel candy when you pay the bill.  I always liked this gesture because it wasn't peppermint (which is not my favorite) that all the other restaurants give away.  One of my friends found the very same candy at a Chinese market called Tong Fong.  

Just to summarize...a Japanese sushi place gives away Colombian candy sold at a Chinese market on a Dutch island.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Returning to Bonaire

It is always exciting for us to return to Bonaire.  After a month away from the island everything seems new to us.  We flew into Bonaire from Miami and our view of the island from the plane was spectacular.

After a month away we got reacquainted with our some of our friends at a wine tasting event.  It featured a sunset. 

A new store opened while we were gone. It's called Building Depot.  They carry home goods and decorating items, painting supplies, tools, furniture, and hardware. Their competition, Kooyman, was there checking them out too!

Rainy Season started October 1. The island has no drainage and after a day's rain, the streets are flooded and some of the sidewalks are impassable. Someone placed a brink in the middle of a large puddle that enabled us to step off the sidewalk, onto the brick and then on to a dry spot. Very inventive move and we appreciate whomever did this easy fix to make the sidewalk useable.

Cruise ships have been absent due to hurricane season.  They start coming again in November.  In the mean time, we have had the Dutch Coast Guard patrolling the seas.  They are very effective at catching drug shipments on fast boats from Venezuela heading to North America. They also intercept illegals coming to the island by boat.

It was so nice to get back to the beach, sunsets, snorkeling and warm weather.  Happy in Paradise!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Leaving Denver

We spent the last month in Denver. Our goal was to liquidate our stuff and put our house on the market. 

We held an Estate Sale for three days. We were able to sell two storage units full of our furniture and households items. Family and friends all rallied at the sale to help price, wheel-and-deal and of course visit with us.

It was a pleasure to see the Flat Irons (mountains near Boulder). We loved the bright blue skies and all the green trees and grass.  The sunsets over the mountains were spectacular. Certainly, these are  things we miss in Bonaire.

We spent most of our time readying our Arvada house for sale. It was a a full time job managing and scheduling handymen, repair services, landscapers, painters and cleaners.  We had rented the house for almost three years and it needed a lot of work. It is now on the market waiting for the next owners to love it as we have.

It was a blast visiting friends and family while in Denver. We celebrated our grandson's 14th birthday and got to see him play tennis on his high school team.

Of course this blog would not be complete without a selfie....this one includes one of our grandsons.


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...