Thursday, December 21, 2023


The Classical Music Board of Bonaire put on a wonderful Christmas concert. Choirs sang Christmas songs in four languages and tunes that we knew and could sing along. The Bonaire Kuarta Ensemble played beautiful music and sang in Papiamentu and Spanish. Our favorite tenor performed a fabulous "Ave Maria".  The evening ended with and audience sing-a-long to "Angels We Have Heard On High". 

The concert was held in the biggest Catholic church on the island called San Bernardo. It a beautiful, austere church with wood kneelers, hard wood benches and no air conditioning.  We sat for two and half hours with the other 300 attendees.  It was a miracle that we could still walk when it was over.  It brought back memories of going to church and suffering through kneeling, sitting and long sermons. Lightning didn't strike me down so I feel lucky about that.  After spending that long in church we certainly needed an adult beverage. So we ended the evening with beers at Little Havana bar.

All the round-abouts (all four of them)  have lighted decorations.  This roundabout is in front of the church where the concert was held. You know us, we can't pass up an opportunity to take a selfie.


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