Thursday, January 11, 2024

Carpal Tunnel

I had carpal tunnel surgery on my wrist/hand to alleviate the numbness I have had for the past 5 years. They took my clothes, left me with my panties, gave me a paper dress and drugs.  It was a simple 15 minute surgery that took 4 hours from the time I got drugged to the time I came to from the anesthesia  A pain block was administered which kept my hand numb for about 12 hours.

My right hand was wrapped and put into a sling. My fingers looked like sausages especially with the bright pink anti-bacteria wash they put on my hand and arm. My hand remained pink for a week because it doesn't wash off until you pour alcohol on the wound.  Left me with 6 stiches which makes me look like I slit my own wrist. It will be two weeks before the stiches come out.

Two days after the surgery, the surgeon took off the bandage and put on a sticky pad. He gave me instructions to change the pad every two days, use alcohol and don't get the wound wet.  

I am now using my worthless left hand.  It does not know how to brush my teeth, pick up or hold anything. I don't know why they gave me a left hand because it can do nothing.  Rick has had to pick up the slack because my two hands are not helpful. 

As a side note, we had an island wide blackout for a full day and into the night.  Rick and I were well prepared with our rechargeable lights, a head light, wine and dip-it artisan bread. You just have to embrace island life no matter what it throws at you.


  1. Hope you are feeling better. It's the Pitts getting old! We are in our winter. Hard freeze Waring tonight. Lake could be frozen in the morning. (Winter is a week down here)

  2. Glad you finally got your hand fixed. I'd have a difficult time if I couldn't use my right hand so I guess you and I are in the same boat. Overall you seem to be getting along with it.
    Looks like life continue to be wonderful for you two even though you have bumps every once in awhile. I hope you recover quickly.


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...