Saturday, February 24, 2024


One of our friends set up a Bocce league at a local snack bar out in the kunuku. We joined up and played our first games.  It's a great Sunday afternoon pastime.  We used to play Bocce at our  water ski lake in Colorado. Now we have an actual playing course instead of playing on the beach.

Happy's is a snacky which a hut out in the wilds of Bonaire.  Every Sunday they reserve a table and at Bocce course for us.  We play for free but buy loads of beer and food.


It's quite competitive and we have a referee with tape measure that settles all disputes about who got what points. I would like to say its a friendly game but we do have some keen competitors and there is a lot of trash talking going on throughout the match.

We all have a lot of fun just being together ....drinking beer lightens our mood.

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