Saturday, February 24, 2024

Back Home

We missed Bonaire while we were in the States.  It was nice to get home.  We have a beautifully decorated home in Bonaire, with decorations that came with the house.  Over the past three years we have tried to incorporate our stuff and style so that we feel more at home. It's an ongoing process to have things that are our choice in the house. Nevertheless, we love our house in Bonaire.

The Sahara Dust welcomed us home with a layer of dust everywhere including the pool.  It's a fact of life in Bonaire this time of year. I promised myself that I would not complain about the conditions on the island because it is still paradise for us...dust and all.

I am now a wildlife photographer (ha).  I was floating in the pool and was harassed by a dragonfly that wanted to land on me.  I shooed him away many times and then decided to embrace the moment.  So here is my attempt at capturing the dragon fly resting on my toe.

Bonaire has the best sunsets. The Sahara Dust and clouds seem to make each sunset more spectacular. It's good to be home!


1 comment:

  1. So glad you are home and appreciating not having to shovel sunshine. The bocce sounds like a kick!


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...