Our solar guys moved the 14 collection panels to the roof. They attached them using the screws already on the roof so no new wholes were made (which was a requirement from me) to eliminate any roof leaks. The panels are on the east, south and west sides of the roof for maximum collection from the sun.

The bunker (which was built under the Mango tree months ago) is now home to two batteries and a solar inverter. This set up should supply us power throughout the night without having to use power from WEB, our utility company
On the first night of solar, our batteries were charged but they were not releasing power into the house. Our solar guys monitored the system as did Rick on his phone app. They both noticed the issue. Since China is 10 hours time different than Bonaire, our solar guys had to wait to talk with the Chinese engineers to solve the issue. 24-hours later we were up and running with power generation and usage.
This concludes (I hope) the solar saga series.
Well, yay on both of your new acquisitions! I know you are going to love them both!