Saturday, December 21, 2024

Washing Machine

You remember how much trouble I had with the little Dutch washing machine that came with the house? I never could figure out how to work it and it never worked very good.  I had been washing towels at the laundromat because the little Dutch machine just couldn't handle towels.  I also sent my sheets out to a professional laundry (I will keep doing that because it is so nice to have washed and pressed sheets). It also took hours to wash and was starting to shake violently when on spin cycle. 

Nothing is easy.  I got a top load washer.  Most of the European washers are front load. The change required that we retrofit the laundry closet.  Rick had to take out the butcher block shelf and all the associated screws and boards.  The new machine also required new plumbing configuration and a transformer to keep it from frying when there are power surges. The delivery guys took away the old washer, put in the new washer and connected all the water and wastewater pipes.  The delivery and set was only $35.

My new LG washer is in English. Its a top load and can wash 13 kg which is double the capacity of the old washer.

We had a lizard die on our outside cabana bed under the pillows. I know, it was a real icky thing.  I had to wash all the pillows and sheets and bed covering because everything smelled dead lizard.

Anyway, the washer worked and we are now back to having a modern washing machine.




  1. Yea! Its not one that washes and drys in the same machine?

  2. Congratulations. You’re stepping up on that island. Tami


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...