Friday, July 2, 2021


We are slowly picking up a few words of Dutch. A pharmacy is an Apotheek.  In Spanish, Portuguese and Papiamento the word for pharmacy is botika.

I went to the pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled.  Everything needs a prescription.  If you are getting cold medicine it is kept behind the counter and requires a script from an island doctor.  Even aspirin is a prescription on the island. When you call for a refill from the doctor, it will be at the pharmacy by 3:00 pm the same day...for everyone on the island. Needless to say, there is a long wait to get your meds.

There are only two places on the island that provide laboratory testing. They don't make appointments.  You show up and they take whatever test your doctor ordered. I went to the hospital to get blood drawn with the doctors order in hand. 

When I got to the laboratory this sign was posted: Priklab.  I thought it was appropriate and hilarious.


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