Fries are the preferred side to everything. they are served at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Never served with ketchup, always with mayo or fries sauce call "fritssaus". Fritssaus is similar to mayonnaise, but is leaner and usually sweeter than mayo.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Fries are the preferred side to everything. they are served at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Never served with ketchup, always with mayo or fries sauce call "fritssaus". Fritssaus is similar to mayonnaise, but is leaner and usually sweeter than mayo.
We were crazy stressed during the last year. Moving was hard. Getting settled in a new country and learning the culture, although interesting, was also stressful.
We are just now finding our Zen. The warm weather and easy lifestyle has made us slow down. We no longer scream or honk at slow and stupid drivers. We just follow behind them patiently. We no longer have expectations from government entities. We have accepted Island time.
We leisurely go about our lives. We have no expectations for each day except to enjoy each other and our life together.I know I am closer to reaching my Zen. My blood pressure has dropped by 30 points. My anxiety has gone away. I don't snore anymore.
I am still practicing. Hopefully, I will find my Zen.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Cruise Ship
It's a mixed bag of emotions. The island needs the income from the cruise boats. Restaurants, gift shops, tour operations are glad to have the business. Those of us that have gotten used to the sleepy, quiet island are feeling invaded.
They have closed the road along the shore near the dock. They have set up a check point for Covid. The cruisers have to show proof of vaccination and/or test negative for Covid. Lots of people are wearing masks again indoors and out. The ship is about 40% of capacity which means about 2,000 people. This is a lot of people on an island with only 21,000 residents.
The roads, which are notoriously bad and crowded, are even worse. Now there are golf carts, scooters, bikes, busses and taxis. All the roads are just two lanes so passing slow moving vehicles is not easy. Traffic can back up by 50 cars going one way.
The ship docks at 4:00 am and is usually gone by 6:00 pm. We can return to town in the evening without sharing it with the cruisers.
It's a Miracle
We wore long pants, closed toed shoes and shirts with sleeves. This is a requirement when meeting with the government. Rick commented: "this is unnatural". We have spent six months in swim suites, shorts and tank tops. It certainly felt unnatural to have all these clothes on. Putting shoes on was also a rude awakening for our feet that have only felt the freedom of flip flops.
As many of you know December is full of events for us. Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated. So here is a run down of the act...
I know everyone is wondering if we ever solved our pickle problem. The answer is: well sort of. We went to the "Costco" of Bonair...
Easter weekend on Bonaire. Two cruise ships (one left before I got a photo). The locals camp on the beaches for the long weekend. There ...
I had carpal tunnel surgery on my wrist/hand to alleviate the numbness I have had for the past 5 years. They took my clothes, left me with m...