This Thanksgiving we spent with other expats and had a traditional gathering Bonaire style. I wish I had photos of the evening but due to an island wide black out, I don't. The power went off about 3:00 pm. It was the exact time I put the potatoes in the oven for the 5:00 pm meal. Rick's smart thinking saved us as he moved the potatoes to the gas grill to cook. It worked and we headed off to our island celebration.
Our friends, Brad and Alan, hosted the pot luck. They hand carried a frozen turkey from the states and had a ham from the island. Everyone seemed to find the things on the island to fulfill the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We all sat a long table ( in the dark) and feasted on goodies each of us had made. I was hysterical thinking the potatoes would never get done. Brad reminded me that we all had wine and that makes everything perfect.
As my first foray into baking (from a box) at sea level, I decided to make black bean brownies for Thanksgiving dinner as someone else had claimed pumpkin pie. They came out super fudgy. Although Rick likes his brownies like this, they were a little too gooey for me. I will need to figure out if I need more cooking time, a bigger pan, or less moisture.Regardless of the challenges on Thanksgiving day, we still had the best time spending the day with friends.
I have purchased three coffee makers since we have been on the island. Each has stopped working after a short usage. I have purchased different brands and different sizes, all with the same results. This time I purchased a coffee maker with a 220 plug. The other makers had 110 plugs. As we now know the 110 on Bonaire is not a reliable power source.
Rick was using the food processor and a loud pop followed by smoke and a burning smell indicated that the appliance was gone. This was an appliance we brought from the States. It was plugged into a 110 outlet. Okay, it was an older appliance and bound to stop working at some point. I think it was talking to the coffee maker.
It is our contention that 110 is not good for small appliances, no matter where they come from. We decided to purchase appliances that are from Europe (or China) that have 220 plugs. The appliances can talk all they want...in 220 volts.
Rick and I have some great chats at 4:00 am after being startled awake by the storms.
Flooding has occurred all over Bonaire. The island has no drainage system no do they have storm water plans. As a result, the sediments, contamination and waste flow right into the ocean. This is a picture of our coastline after a storm event showing the run off flowing into the sea affecting the coral reef.Another view shows the extent of the flooding and the spillage into the sea. The land is fully saturated so run off is inevitable.Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room. We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...